Advice and Tips

Wedding RSVP Wording Tips

One of the most common concerns from couples planning their weddings involves their wedding RSVP wording. For example, why do wedding RSVPs have an M?  Couples also want to know how formal or informal they can be with their wording.  There are plenty of places out there with suggestions, but we wanted to compile some basic wedding RSVP wording tips to make your planning easier.

Wedding RSVP Wording Tips in General

So what are the basic necessities for your wedding RSVP wording? It’s important to remember the key areas of information you need from your wedding RSVP first:

Guest Names and Attendance

This seems like common sense, but is obviously the key thing to remember.  Make sure to ask your guests who will be attending (especially for plus ones!).  Next, be sure to include areas for accepting or declining the wedding invitation.  Traditionally, this wording has included “Accepts with pleasure”, “Declines with regrets”, or something similar.  However, some couples are getting more casual with their wording these days – “I’m there!” or “Count me out”, while seeming informal, also can indicate the tone of your special day.

Food/Entree Choices

Another key field to consider including on your RSVP is an area to select food preferences.  By collecting this info on your wedding RSVP, you can kill two birds with one stone.  List all of your potential entree options for guests to check off.  Also remember to include vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free options here as well.

Wedding RSVP by date

While you expect your guests to RSVP promptly, everyone gets busy and forgetful sometimes.  Therefore, make sure to include a date for RSVPs to be submitted.  This will help you ensure your absent-minded friends and family return their RSVPs to you in a timely fashion.

Other Wedding RSVP Considerations

While it may become too cluttered, you should also include your wedding website if possible.  Other options have included links to choose songs for a wedding reception, or registry links as well.  Depending on the info you need, you may want to include other fields.

And remember…

The basic thing to consider with wedding RSVP wording is to keep your wording simple and direct.  Since the wedding RSVP is a call for information, making sure your guests know what you need to know, and when you need to know it by, clearly, is the most important function for your RSVP.

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